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49. CytoAurora biotechnology that continues to shine

醫華生技榮獲第二十一屆國家新創獎企業新創獎殊榮,憑藉創新技術「Nano CAST-A.I半導體液態腫瘤影像系統」脫穎而出,從CES innovation award、RESI 競賽全球第二(J.P Morgan主辦)、MEDICA 新創大賽全球十二強等高強度國內外競賽,一路走來獲得國內外高度肯定,這次國家新創獎的優勝,再次證明醫華在生技領域的領先地位。醫華將持續邁向國際,拓展全球市場,成為全球生技產業的亮眼標竿。
CytoAurora was honored with the prestigious Corporate Startup Award at the 21st National Innovation Awards, standing out with its groundbreaking "Nano CAST-A.I & Semiconductor Technology System." From the CES Innovation Award, runner-up at the global RESI competition hosted by J.P. Morgan, to being among the top 12 at the MEDICA Startup Competition, CytoAurora has consistently earned high recognition both domestically and internationally. This victory at the National Innovation Awards further solidifies CytoAurora's leadership in the biotech field. Moving forward, CytoAurora will continue to expand globally, aiming to become a shining benchmark in the international biotech industry.
#CytoAurora #Innovation #MedicalTechnology #FutureHealthcare
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