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6. 醫華生技設備CR3順利認證成功
CytoAurora Biotechnology Equipment CR3 was successfully certified
Congratulations! ! !


恭賀 !!! 醫華生技微量細胞擷取儀(Cell Reveal 3)順利認證成功

暨醫華生技之設備 Cell Reveal Series 3於2021年4月取得台灣衛福部TFDA醫療器材許可證之後,今年11月再度順利通過中國大陸「醫療器械備案憑證」認證【證號20210323號】,而醫華也將持續努力,追求更好的精準醫療品質,未來在此卓越領域中發光發熱。

CytoAurora Biotechnology Equipment CR3 was successfully certified

Congratulations! ! !

CytoAurora Biotechnology’s Micro Cell Retrieval Instrument (Cell Reveal 3) was successfully certified.

After obtaining the TFDA medical device license from Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2021, CytoAurora Biotechnology's device Cell Reveal Series 3 successfully passed the "Medical Device Registration Certificate" certification in mainland China in November this year [Certificate No. 20210323]. CytoAurora will also continue to work hard to pursue better precision medical quality and shine in this field of excellence in the future.

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