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12. 醫華生技勇奪CES“Digital Health”項目創新獎
CytoAurora wins CES“Digital Health” project innovation award


醫華生技在國際指標性大獎「消費性電子展創新獎(CES 2023 Innovation Awards)」,以最新一代之「微量細胞擷取儀」(Cell Reveal)勇奪“Digital Health”項目創新獎,更是台灣同業唯一奪得該項大獎者。




CytoAurora Biotechnology won the "Digital Health" project innovation award at the international benchmark award "CES 2023 Innovation Awards" with its latest generation "Cell Reveal". He is the only one in Taiwan's industry to win this award.

Huang Chung-Er, general manager of CytoAurora Biotechnology, said that this award is one of the most eye-catching awards in global science and technology, revealing the latest technology development trends and innovative applications in the technology market.

In the face of competition from many products around the world, CytoAurora Biotechnology won the award with this MIT technology, demonstrating Taiwan's outstanding innovative research and development capabilities.

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