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53. 2024 多體學與精準醫學聯合會議

由台灣精準醫學學會理事長周輝政領導,攜手六大醫學會共同舉辦的「2024 多體學與精準醫學聯合會議」在台北正式揭幕,此次會議匯聚了全球醫療、研究界的專家,國科會 林法正副主委更到場致詞,也特邀醫華生技 黃忠諤董事長,以「新南向策略:結合數位病理與醫療,台灣BIO+ICT的新契機」為主題,分享AI在精準醫療領域的應用與創新,會議將持續至明日,誠摯邀請各位蒞臨參與!
Led by TPMS President Dr. Jou Hei -Jen, the “2024 MOPM” conference, co-hosted by six major medical societies, officially opened in Taipei. This gathering has brought together experts from the global medical and research communities. NSTC Deputy Minister Dr. Lin Faa-Jeng attended and delivered a speech, and Dr. Huang Chung-Er, Chairman of CytoAurora, was invited to present a keynote on “New Southbound Strategy: Integrating Digital Pathology and Healthcare, a New Opportunity for Taiwan’s BIO+ICT.” He shared insights on the applications and innovations of AI in precision medicine. The conference will continue until tomorrow, and we warmly invite everyone to participate!
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