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15. 美國CES2023圓滿落幕
CES 2023 in the United States concluded successfully


與醫華生技一同前進CES 2023

醫華生技連續兩年入圍,並獲得2023 CES Innovation Award,今年第一站於CES展上大展身手,瞄準精準醫療領域,帶著與半導體科技所結合的最新單細胞技術,前進全球科技界最具指標的消費性電子展,展示出革新的技術與發展趨勢,並於展場上獲得國際關注。


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CES 2023 in the United States concluded successfully

CytoAurora Biotechnology has been shortlisted for two consecutive years and won the 2023 CES Innovation Award. This year, it will show off its skills at the CES show for the first time. It aims at the field of precision medicine and advances into the global technology community with the latest single-cell technology combined with semiconductor technology. The most iconic consumer electronics show showcases innovative technologies and development trends and attracts international attention at the show.

CytoAurora Biotechnology adheres to the spirit of proprietary technology, independent innovation, and sustainable invention, and is moving towards the international market!

相關連結:Innovation Award Honorees (

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