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3. 知名雜誌:台灣博士創業家 突破CTC的技術瓶頸(life sciences review)
Taiwanese PhD entrepreneur breaks through the technical bottleneck of CTC (life sciences review)


國際雜誌《Life Science Review》2021年7月號報導:介紹最新的循環腫瘤細胞(Circulating tumor cell, CTC)科技,此為醫華的核心技術,可以應用在早期癌症治療、監測、治療效果等,種種作為輔助診斷的角色,提供給伴隨式診斷的參考依據。


The July 2021 issue of the international magazine "Life Science Review" reported: Introducing the latest circulating tumor cell (CTC) technology, which is the core technology of CytoAurora and can be applied in early cancer treatment, monitoring, treatment effects, etc. Various roles as auxiliary diagnosis provide reference basis for companion diagnosis.

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